Tuesday 22 December 2015

A kinda different winter break

Well, I'm a person who have a really busy schedule. At the end of Winter break where I handed in all my school work and finish the last shift of my part time job. I started feel so lost, because those things I used to do just don't need me any more. Well, I try to hang out with my friend, but slowly I realised that they are not so close with me any more.The girl's friend I used to had is hanging out with another girl which I'm actually pretty happy for her. I means I don't usually have so much time for her and our topic is getting lesser and lesser, I'm happy that she found someone who can make her laugh and suite her personality. It's not a bad thing for both of us.

The crucial point and dilemma I had is am I get abandoned by this world? I means I try to ask someone out but it's just no one I can ask. Literally, no one. Not a single one, but fortunately thanks to my best friend again, I finally make a new friend who makes me start to think about my life , who I am and what I actually want. I just realise I always change myself according to surrounding expectation. However, that's not who I am! I am who I am,

  • simple girl, 
  • don't like complication stuff, 
  • be nice, 
  • sometimes talk mean and bossy, 
  • used to be spoiled kid by family and friends. 
  • Like to act mature, 
  • a lot fancy about relationship. 

I am who I am, and one true fact about me is 宁缺毋滥,which means rather have nothing instead of having something that's not what I want.

Not sure whether this new guy will be my permanent friend in the future, but thanks for making me realise something I've lost last time. :)

Saturday 19 December 2015

About Love Life 8

Hello there!
Welcome to my Love Life 8 Blog, you might be a friend, you might be stranger.
When you look at this page I won't know who you are neither do you.
However, when you are here, you can just relax, and enjoy.
Music and words, all just for you. You must understand you are a special people in this world.
Remember, you might not be happy today, but you must stay strong, because you are special in this world, we can't afford to lost you.

If you're frustrated? Try Harder.

If you're upset? Try Harder to be happy

If you're sad? Try Harder to find great memory in your life.

Well back to the topic, why Love Life 8?

Love Life, a reminder for me and all of you to love your life and everyone around you and people who always stay with you.

8, when rotate it either way it will looks like infinity

Infinity give power to life, makes everything possible in this life.
Nothing is impossible, remember I'M POSSIBLE.


Suanne Chong 20.12.2015 01:00